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How To Check & Calculate Car Mileage?


The below quick tips can help you check your car’s fuel efficiency correctly.

In countries like India, where fuel prices always go in ascending order, we are obsessed with the fuel economy. Fuel efficiency still plays an essential role in deciding the car purchase, and it is perhaps one of the most crucial factors why hatchbacks, entry-level sedans and even compact SUVs are being highlighted by the manufacturers in their brochures and advertisements as fuel-efficient cars.

The mileage figures proclaimed by car brands are far from the real-world driving conditions as various factors such as traffic, road conditions, and driving habits can change these figures by a good margin. And whereas many of us are inclined towards checking fuel efficiency, very few accurately track the mileage with every fill. And out of the very few use the correct technique to determine the fuel efficiency. Many of us just rely on the trip meter, and that’s it.

Hence, to know the correct mileage and how much you have spent, remember the below points. We are not mentioning the basic formula of getting the car mileage by dividing the number of kms by the quantity of fuel used, but a lot more than that through which you can smartly check the fuel efficiency.


  • Stick To Your Fuel Station


The first step is to know where you will top up the fuel. It is recommended to use the same pump and the dispenser for more consistency. Although the majority of the pump stations are standardized and accurate, there could be slight variations between them.

Further, if you change the fuel brand every time, it can affect the fuel efficiency due to variations in each brand. Also, the formulation and additives of manufacturers can be different, which could impact the fuel economy. You may also want to adhere to the company-owned fuel pumps or those known for maintaining good quality.


  • Top It Up


To know the exact amount of fuel consumed, filling the tank completely, is the only practical way. However, we must not rely on the automatic cut-off while filling the tank because the air present inside often does not escape out, therefore, you think the tank is full. And adding more to this, the modern cars with fuel injection system features return lines for unused fuel, which makes the matter even more complicated.

To solve this, wait for a few seconds after the automatic cut-off and ask the attendant to fill it again. Moreover, if the fuel nozzle is dipped completely in the tank, the flow of fuel will stop as soon as it reaches the nozzle level. So, the tip of the nozzle should rest at the end of the fuel filler while filling.


  • Pay Heed To The Driving Conditions


Many of us don’t know that even vehicle load affects the fuel economy. If you are serious about checking the fuel efficiency, always try to maintain a similar set of driving conditions. Apart from driving smartly in traffic and avoiding extra load, try not to take long diversions and alternate routes for reaching your destination. Keep your driving style in check, try regulating your driving speed, and keep a tab on abrupt braking habits.

Moreover, the air conditioning should be kept at a constant rate as it can impact the overall fuel efficiency.


  • Keep A Check On The Odometer & Trip Meter


It is very important to regularly check the odo and trip meter to know the accurate mileage. The job of an odometer is to record the total number of kilometres the vehicle has travelled, while the trip meter lets you record a certain distance you have covered. Many modern cars come with two trip meters viz., Trip A and Trip B. You can use Trip A every time you fill up the tank and do not forget to jot down the current reading with the total litres of fuel filled. Reset the trip and then follow the same procedure each time at fill up.

Trip B is used for calculating the total trip efficiency. For example, if you are going on a long outstation trip, you will need multiple fills during that trip. So, here Trip A can be used to measure fuel economy between each fill while Trip B calculates the total trip efficiency.


  • Do Not Ignore The Tyre Pressure & Engine Oil


Most of us don’t care about the tyre pressure until the vehicle begins to wobble. Underinflated tyres can drastically impact the fuel economy as the rotation is reduced due to a lack of proper air pressure. Make a habit of checking the tyre pressure once a month or every alternate fuel fill. Well-maintained and reputed fuel pumps have calibrated pressure gauges where you can have your car’s tyre pressure checked.

Apart from the tyre pressure, the dirty engine oil and clogged air filter can impact the fuel economy. So, make sure you keep a check on the overall car maintenance.


  • Use Your Smartphone


With the technology in your hand, you don’t have to do all the maths manually. There are a plethora of apps available which can help you out in checking the fuel records, reminding you of service schedules, and also log your fills and calculating the overall consumption.

Let’s do some simple maths before wrapping up this article. Suppose your car’s odometer showed 5000 kms when you filled it up. Reset the trip meter to zero. Now, suppose you have travelled 400 kms since the last fuel fill and the car consumed 35L, then the average fuel economy will be Distance travelled/Litres of fuel consumed.

Litres of fuel consumed 35
Distance travelled (in km) 400
Ending Point 5400
Starting Point 5000
Average Fuel Consumption Per Litre 11.42


If you feel the fuel efficiency is low, you must change your driving habits and get your car serviced as soon as possible. Calculating car mileage is not rocket science. You need a bit of smartness and commitment to get the most out of the fuel per litre. 


Also Read – Top Fuel Efficient Tyres Of 2021


Ankit verma

Author: Ankit verma

My need for speed began at a very early age and I realised this as soon as I got my first bicycle at the age of 8. When all the other kids would break downhill I would pedal harder just to go faster and enjoy the thrill. Adding to my interest for speed, I grew engrossed in the working mechanics

5 thoughts on “How To Check & Calculate Car Mileage?”

  • Hey nice post! I hope it’s ok that I shared this on my
    FB, if not, no issues just tell me and I’ll remove it.
    Either way keep up the good work.

  • This method is not very accurate unless you run a very long distance…. The main source of error is the difference in filling each time, easily a difference of 1to 2litres…

  • Hi, i found an app which calculate mileage automatically, and it has many other features which is useful for a vehicle owner including refueling management, services management, accident record, income, other expenses and lots more features. So i thought to share this app here so it can be useful for other readers who are searching for mileage calculator for their vehicle.

  • I have purchased car Hundai Aura SX+ AMT on April 2021.
    throughout one year of driving i never get average more than 14-15 km/ltr. even highway. company clamed average of 20-21 km/ltr.
    i had complain to showroom during first & second free service but not resolved the problem. showroom isnsist me road test i had given road test. i want to know the meaning of Full Tank as showroom person say that petrol to be filled after auto cut of for full tank. I think its not right method & can obviously get average more than actual.

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